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185. The Tale of the Other Glove: 3 Ways Kids Learn Empathy
SEPTEMBER 16, 2024
Empathy allows us to connect with others and deepen our relationships. Whether we realize it or not, the children in our lives are always watching and learning from us. Join us in this summer mini-episode of Spiritually Hungry as we discuss the most powerful ways to teach and model empathy.
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184. Marathon or Meander: 3 Ways to Fuel Your Spiritual Goals
AUGUST 26, 2024
Most of us would assert we are working towards our spiritual goals. But how hard are we actually working? The truth is that we can become complacent in our journey for spiritual transformation. Join us in this summer mini-episode of Spiritually Hungry as we discuss how to fuel the drive for gr...
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183. Make Mistakes: 4 Ways to Focus on Progress, Not Perfection
AUGUST 19, 2024
The harshest words we ever mutter may be the things we say to ourselves. In this summer mini-episode of Spiritually Hungry, we discuss four tools for building greater self-worth so you can live your best life, mistakes and all.“Rather than striving to be perfect, get excited ...
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182. Living Fully: 3 Ways to Live Our Soul's True Desire
AUGUST 05, 2024
Our lives are measured by how closely we align our daily actions with our soul’s desire. In this summer mini-episode, listen as we discuss the key to living all the days of our lives to the fullest and avoid unhappiness and regrets in death.“The reality is that mos...
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181. The Power of Your Mind: 4 Ways to Shift Your Life by Shifting Your Thoughts
JULY 29, 2024
Our minds are more powerful than we realize. In this summer mini-episode of Spiritually Hungry, we discuss how catching and redirecting your thoughts can shape your emotions and overall mindset. Join us as we unpack practical strategies to harness your thoughts, cultivate a positive mindset, a...
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180. Why Are You Getting Upset?: 3 Ideas for Focusing on What Matters
JULY 22, 2024
How many little things upset you each day? It’s easy to react to the many tiny incidents that irk us daily. But is it really worth it? In this summer mini episode, we discuss the spiritual importance of letting the small stuff go and focusing on the things that really matter....
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179. Unmasking Insecurity: A Deeper Look into Impostor Syndrome
JULY 16, 2024
Have you ever wondered where insecurity comes from? In a spiritual sense, the source lies in a fundamental misconception: the belief that our gifts and talents are solely the result of our own merit. Tune in for an insightful episode as we discuss how recognizing ourselves as conduits rather t...
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178. Spotting a Narcissist with Dr. Ramani: 4 Ways to Set Boundaries
JUNE 24, 2024
We can encounter narcissists in the workplace, in social settings, and in family structures. These relationships can be devastatingly toxic. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, we discuss how to spot and set boundaries with the narcissists in our lives to maintain our well-being....
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177. The Channels of Intuition: 4 Levels of Divine Guidance
JUNE 17, 2024
With so much information available to us every day, it can be difficult to tune into the most important messages: those that come straight from the Creator. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, we discuss the four levels of intuition and how to distinguish between each divine message we rece...
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176. Across Lifetimes: 4 Ways to Understand Past Lives with Ainslie MacLeod
JUNE 03, 2024
We know that our souls have come to this life to heal and find meaning. And one of the ways we can help our souls along is by knowing where our souls are on that journey over lifetimes. In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, we speak with past-life psychic, Ainslie MacLeod about the evolution ...
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